
An End-to-end GPT Model for Seamless Voice Conversation

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Model Overview

We provide OmniFlatten, a groundbreaking model designed for full-duplex conversation, which effectively mirrors the complexity and dynamics of natural human dialogue. This model leverages a novel multi-stage post-training scheme to adapt a large text-based language model into an integrated speech-text dialogue system that operates in real time. Through progressive fine-tuning, OmniFlatten aligns speech and text modalities without altering the core architecture, ensuring low latency and seamless interactions. This approach paves the way for developing more efficient and natural end-to-end full-duplex spoken dialogue systems.


We use a progressive learning approach for model training, adopting Speech-Text Alignment, 4-streaming training, 3-streaming training, and 2-streaming training.

4-Streaming Training

3-Streaming Training

2-Streaming Training


We will show you some cases:


Speech-Text Alignment

Librispeech (CER) WenetSpeech (CER)
Model test_clean↓ test_other↓ test_meeting↓
OmniFlatten (Ours) 9.46 22.48 31.76
Whisper V3 3.71 5.74 19.91
OmniFlatten (Ours) 10.9 12.87 50.56
GT Speech Tokens 5.82 12.74 40.18
ASR and TTS evaluation results on Librispeech and WenetSpeech Datasets. OmniFlatten denotes the speech-text aligned multimodal model after the Modality Alignment training stage. GT Speech Tokens denotes discretizing the ground truth waveforms into speech tokens and detokenizing them into speech.

Dialogue Capability

Model Test Set Loss ↓ LLM Score ↑
OmniFlatten 0.8125 5.185258
OmniFlatten w/o half-duplex training 0.8129 5.008698
OmniFlatten w/o modality alignment and half-duplex training 0.8496 4.346218
GT Response - 7.30685
The impact of Modality Alignment and Half-duplex Dialogue Training on full-duplex dialogue capabilities, measured by scores assigned by a competitive LLM QWen-max. The CE loss on the test set is also reported. GT Response denotes the ground truth textual response in the test set.

Turn-Taking Metrics

Chunk Size Assistant Turn-taking Acc@K
1/5/10/25 (%)
Average Assistant Turn-taking
Response Time (K/ms)
User Turn-taking Acc @K
1/5/10/25 (%)
Average User Turn-taking
Response Time (K/ms)
5 29.2/59.4/67.4/71.9 3.23/129 2.1/5.7/8.1/17.0 20.55/822
10 19.8/55.7/71.3/75.5 3.99/160 5.5/13.4/19.8/30.0 20.13/805
Assistant Turn-taking and User Turn-taking accuracy at the k-th token (Acc@K) and Efficiency (Response Time) with different speech chunk sizes in OmniFlatten.


      title={OmniFlatten: An End-to-end GPT Model for Seamless Voice Conversation}, 
      author={Qinglin Zhang and Luyao Cheng and Chong Deng and Qian Chen and Wen Wang and Siqi Zheng and Jiaqing Liu and Hai Yu and Chaohong Tan},